
Are You Struggling With Teen Acne? We Got You!

"For those who are determined to end their battle with acne, but do not want to use prescription medication. My team and I are committed to helping you get clear." – Kelsey Rae - Founder RaeDerma, EZAcne, and MyAcneCoach

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Acne Treatment for Teens – In Person or Online

Does It Work? 

Client Skin Stats

1 %
Ounces of product used

Type of Acne We Specialize In

Join Our Online Acne Program

The thing that really separates RaeDerma from any other acne products/services is a combination of clinical application and real world product experience. We are acne practitioners and specialists that can help with acne treatment for teens.

We blend our real world experience with professional products and technology to help our clients achieve clear skin for our teenage clients. Want to clear your acne in 2-3 months holistically? Join our in-person or virtual acne bootcamp and take control of your acne.

Hybrid In-Office and Online Results

*Your results or speed of results over time will vary based on severity, dedication to your home care, lifestyle factors and if you are virtual or in-person.

Acne Treatment for Teens

  • Develop customized skincare regimen at your initial consultation
  • Adjust your skincare regimen every 2 weeks (for 8-12 weeks)
  • Guiding you through the whole process of getting clear. You will contact our clinician directly via appointment FaceTime or in-person. We are always here to support you through the process
  • Detect you acne triggers in everyday life that exacerbate acne, such as food, skincare, makeup and birth control
  • Educate you about how to keep your skin clear as long as you want it
  • Use our pore clogging ingredient checker to make sure the rest of your personal care products are acne-safe

Parents, Need Some Help?

Teenage acne is super common since this age group tends to be going through lifestyle changes that will impact their skin. Our acne treatments aim to reduce oil production, eliminate bacteria, and increase skin-cell turnover to prevent new blemishes from developing. They also reduce inflammation to help treat current symptoms.  

Our clinician will work with you and your teen to educate them on the benefits of holistic acne care. We also make sure they  get their acne under control and managed throughout the teenage years and beyond.


“My clinician gave me a tailored skincare routine and it’s a really great system”

“I cleared my skin by seeing a clinician who specializes in acne”

“Facereality has one of the best spot treatments. It’s a blemish’s worst nightmare”

What Types Products Will You Use for Treatments?

Your routine will be customized based on a mixture the clinical and medical-grade products we carry and the goals you have for your skin.

How Our Online Acne Care Works?

Step 1: Consultation Appointment and Order Product

Kick off with an acne consultation where we look at your skin, go over triggers, discuss your goals and create a plan specific to you. Our online acne program has a 97% success rate in getting our clients clear within 2-3 months without the use of prescription medication. 

Step 2: Product Shipped Directly to Your Door

Our team will ship all your products after your first consultation appointment directly to your front door. Most clients receive their products within 1-5 days. You will also receive an email on how to use your products specifically selected for you.

Step 3: Get Clear Skin With Acne-Fighting Products

We will hand select the products you need to get your skin clear.  You should plan on having check-ins every 2 weeks for 8-12 weeks to ensure your skincare routine is working for you. During that time we may adjust the strength of your custom regimen to improve results.

Book Your Appointment

Book Your Appointment

Common Questions

We have seen clients with chronic inflamed acne, hormonal acne and sever cystic acne. We have a 97% success rate on clearing up all of our clients without medication. Even the really challenging conditions.

At your initial (onboarding) appointment you can expect to pay approximately $180 on products (this does not include the service). The 80 minute acne consultation and startup appointment is $180. So you can expect to pay a total of $360 on product and service for your first appointment. 

Your bi-monthly acne peel treatments are $100 for a 45 minute time slot. You can expect to have 6-10 of these with us depending on how long it takes to get clear.

You will not have to purchase product at every check-in, just as needed.

You can expect to pay a total of $800-1250 over a period of 3-4 months. 

We see that most clients get clear in 60-90 days. Some may take 120 days depending on the severity and how disciplined you are with the routine. During your check-ins we will reassess.

For those customer who have chronic acne, you will likely need to have an ongoing maintenance plan to manage your acne flareups. However, for those with mild acne, most will notice it will be much easier to manage after the acne bootcamp and proper product usage.

The average cost of Accutane, otherwise known as Isotretinonin is about $359/month or $12/ pill (30 days supply). This may vary upon insurance. 

The average cost of our acne bootcamp/online acne care is about $325/month for 2-3 months or about $11.75/day.


We recommend going makeup-free so we can get the best possible view of your skin.